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Focus Areas

Our AmeriCorps members, in collaboration with our host site partnerships, focus on wide variety of environmental activities in communities across Iowa. 

Environmental Education

​We provide environmentally focused educational lessons and resources to Iowans of all ages and backgrounds. Our members partner with school districts, community organizations, non-profits, government entities and more to help educate the public on important environmental issues.


Energy Efficiency Services

Our program provides residential energy efficiency audits and weatherizations to homeowners to help reduce energy usage and utility bills. These services are free and are available to all Iowans with priority given to veteran, elderly, disabled, and low-income households. 

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Waste Audit & Reduction

Members serving with school districts and city governments partner with their host agencies to monitor waste production and find ways to reduce it in their cities and districts.


Water Quality

​Our members complete water quality mitigation projects including water quality testing, river cleanups, stream bank stabilization projects and more in collaboration with local watershed coordinators, conservation departments, and the Save our Streams program. 


Community Outreach

​Members plan and participate in community outreach projects to engage volunteers and do meaningful, impactful work in the communities they serve. Volunteer engagement is a key component of the service work members complete throughout their service terms. 


Climate Action Planning & Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Members work collaboratively with city governments and climate action agencies to develop climate action plans and inventory greenhouse gas emissions for their communities. 

Image by Patrick Hendry

Tree Planting

Our program is focused on restoring tree canopy, creating habitat for wildlife, improving walkability in urban spaces and more through tree planting. 


Workforce Development

A key aspect of our program is giving our members opportunities to learn new skills and prepare for their future careers. Our program provides individualized professional development opportunities and funding along with regular general training opportunities, leadership opportunities, and more. Our goal is for members to develop necessary skills in our program to eventually become our colleagues and partners in the field. 

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Our members do so much more!

Visit our locations page to learn more about our host site partnerships and some of the other great things happening across the state!


Green Iowa AmeriCorps

University of Northern Iowa | Center for Energy & Environmental Education

8106 Jennings Dr, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0293​


Phone: (319) 273-7233

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